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3 Self-Care Myths Busted

Time to DEBUNK the top 3 myths associated to self-care. Have you ever felt guilty taking time for yourself? Most of us, especially in the mom crowd get an immense dose of guilt and shame when we say NO to something so we can say YES to ourselves. A study in 2019 showed 67% of people want more self-care and 1 in 3 of us feel guilty about taking it.

Gay Hendricks Discusses Commitment on What's the Word

Humans can make miracles happen with one word: COMMITMENT “Commitment” – dedicated to a cause or activity. Gay chose this word “you don’t get anything in life unless you are consciously committed to getting it” . Gay and Katie Hendricks are celebrating 40 years of commitment so this is the…

Do Less, Be More

This recent injury has been a major catalyst for change in my life. I have spent nearly my entire life pushing myself, striving to reach HIGH for the stars and it finally caught up with me. This is for all you “A” types, in hopes to resonate with someone who might need to slow down.

After the fall… Physical Pain = Mental pain

Ever take your physical well being for granted and then something happens which shakes things up? True story…
Two weeks ago I went trail running on a beautiful mountain after a lovely hike and as I was looking over the side of the hill

Self-Care! Going Back To Basics

Let me guess… you’re really good at taking care of EVERYONE ELSE but you forget to take care of yourself? Or you leave taking care of yourself for LAST and end up being too tired to fit self care in?