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Brent Bruning - "There is authentic power within YOUR hands"

This week’s interview is with famous hand analyzer Brent Bruning. People are going through different stages of their own evolution and Brent is able to see just what that looks like from your own two hands. Read, watch, or listen to learn more.

Gay Hendricks Discusses Commitment on What's the Word

Humans can make miracles happen with one word: COMMITMENT “Commitment” – dedicated to a cause or activity. Gay chose this word “you don’t get anything in life unless you are consciously committed to getting it” . Gay and Katie Hendricks are celebrating 40 years of commitment so this is the…

Jillian Michaels Found Joy

Jillian Michaels, the GOAT of fitness, is my guest to kick off season 2 of “What’s the Word.” She chose the word reframing, which means “frame or express differently.” In episode 1, Jillian talked about: shifting mindset, overcoming failure, and practicing self-care daily.

Word of the Day: Kindness

As busy moms, being kind to ourselves is typically last on the list. This is problematic for so many reasons. In order to LEAD BY EXAMPLE you need to start putting our oxygen masks on FIRST, mama. You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. Be KIND to yourself, you are doing your best.

Word of the Day: Purpose

Purpose: the reason WHY we do what we do
I haven’t always prioritized self care, but it became an intentional choice of mine when I realized how important it was. Our values, our why, define our purpose in life and drive the decisions we make every. single. day.