After the fall… Physical Pain = Mental pain
August 19, 2021
Ever take your physical well-being for granted and then something happens which shakes things up? True Story...
I have been fortunate to be in great health for many years. Add discipline and daily routine action to preserve my well being giving me optimal health.
Two weeks ago I went trail running on a beautiful mountain after a lovely hike and as I was looking over the side of the hill- I remembered the scene in my favorite movie “Princess Bride” when Buttercup and Wesley tumble down a massive hill screaming AS YOU WISH>>>

In that very moment I was daydreaming, I didn’t notice there was a tree root RIGHT under my feet and BOOM, smashed up the whole front side of my body. I haven’t fallen in so many years, more than I can remember - and I cut myself up really good. Banged and bruised but I couldn’t stop laughing. Partially from embarrassment and part because I may have manifested the fall thinking about falling moments before.
It was my REST day and here I am on a hill running… As if the message wasn’t clear enough, I spent the next few days with ice packs and nursing my wounds. It was a clear message in that moment that I am breakable...but I still kept going. After a fun run on a stand up paddle board the pain started to set in… not on the bruises and bumps all over my body --- I couldn’t move my neck. AT ALL.
The pain became worse and worse, like someone stabbing me behind my shoulder all the way up to my neck and radiating down my left side.
“What could this be?” I thought to myself ...I definitely wasn’t even thinking about the fall anymore. It was DAYS ago. I was healing fine… so I thought.
After a night in excruciating pain with NO pain meds in my house, I realized something was wrong. Instead of calling a dr to get some pain meds, i called my family chiropractor who is a true natural healer. He got me in the next morning. Pinched nerve and rib out of place. YIKES! The fall was worse than I thought.
The whole week I felt like crap. Not just physically but I couldn’t seem to get out of my head. It took my energy down and I started to feel down. There is a direct correlation between physical and mental pain. When our body is in pain the brain sends signals for our body to go into protective mode. That mode shifts our MOOD. It got me thinking… no wonder so many people don’t feel well. Mental illness is on the rise and there is certainly a direct correlation to physical pain I can visibly SEE now. Which is also why doing what we can to enhance our physical well being is imperative.
I’ll admit, in the moment I didn’t think too much about it - but once I couldn’t move my neck, nothing else mattered. It FREAKED me out and made me realize so many people LIVE with chronic aches and pains.
Two weeks later, I still have issues. I don’t have full range of motion still and at night the nerve pain can be so frustrating it keeps me up all night. The moment I get all comfy in bed, mentally and physically ready to relax it hits me. The sensation is so intense as if my whole left upper body is one giant funny bone that keeps getting knocked into a wall… imagine that feeling over and over. How could one ever fall asleep like that. And the best treatment for this nerve damage? Rest. The one thing I simply can not to at the moment. I will not stop healing from the inside out. I am taking the steps daily towards better self care in this area of my body.
Got some natural herbs and heading to see an acupuncturist, massage therapist, stretches, breathwork, all natural anti inflammatories like Apple Cidar Vinegar, turmeric and lots of water. I know it won’t heal overnight, yet I am determined to give my body what it needs. And do my best to keep a good spirit until it’s healed.
Moral of the story: YOU GET ONE BODY. Shit happens. Some in and some out of our control, but the way we react is imperative for our well being. We are meant to move. Moving the body can absolutely move the mind. Shift energy. And even with injuries or physical limitations - meet yourself where you are at. Do the best you can with what you have and take a moment right here, right now to hug your body and tell it how much you LOVE it.
Lord knows that is what I am doing. A healthy body is truly a blessing.
Stay safe my WAVE family xo