Work With Me
W.A.V.E. by J is a simple, self-care system to guide you in each wellness area and keep you accountable.
The W.A.V.E. by J self-care programs focuses on Well-being, Awareness, Vision, and Energy for both individuals and groups.
You need a simple system to guide you in each wellness area and keep you accountable.
This is why we created a self-care program that provides practical ways to implement self-care into your daily life.
W.A.V.E. by J self-care programs focuses on Well-being, Awareness, Vision, and Energy for both individuals and groups.
We believe incremental changes over time using our six pillar self-care system will give you the tools you need to honor yourself and enhance your well-being in all areas.
The Six Pillars of Self-Care:
The Six Pillars of Health
W.A.V.E. by J Options
Swell Self-Care
(Special Limited Founder's Rate)
Two (2) live workout videos per week (no equipment needed) with the option to watch later.
Unlimited access to our on-demand library of videos.
Weekly self-care tips and recipes.
Weekly newsletter.
Group Training
Customizable Rates
Community of people working on improving their self-care together.
One group zoom call per week to check in on goals and self-care plans.
Weekly self-care tips and recipes.
Weekly newsletter.
Optional add-on: Swell Self Care for $25/month.
Kahuna Self-Care
Customizable Rates
Initial self-care assessment to identify personal goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Video chats each week tailored to your self-care needs.
Accountability through text and VERB app to ensure goals are met.
Swell Self-Care included.

Corporate Wellness Programs
Customizable Rates
Looking to step up your employee self care? Look no further. The system we've created has been used by numerous companies like Aaptiv, Grokker, Sweat Factor, Pinterest, LinkedIn and many more.
Our plan works on breaking down the 6 pillars of self care and offering solutions for your employees to ensure they are making time for their self care needs.
How We Can Work Together
Step 1
Choose your membership level so we can discuss your self-care needs.
Step 2
I create a custom SELF-CARE plan for you!
Step 3
We hold WEEKLY accountability coaching sessions through Zoom.
"Without Jaime, I would have lost my sanity years ago. Doesn’t matter if it's on zoom or in-person workouts, even on the worst of days I walk away from our workouts with a sense of relief and accomplishment. It also helps that she has guided me to reach physical and nutritional goals I never thought possible."
Laura Benetti, Attorney at Law
"Jaime McFaden is exactly what I needed! Pushed me to places I haven’t been since high school!"
Paulina Paula, Business Owner
"I couldn't do any of this without Jaime - her support, her guidance and her grace. In my quest to lose weight, I actually gained confidence, knowledge and a friend."
Amber MacDonald