About Me
Jaime McFaden
Self-Care Specialist and Mama-bear
My goal is to inspire at least one family per day in 2022. I want to inspire others to live better by taking simple yet effective actions toward better self-care.
Hi, I’m Jaime McFaden.
Hi, I’m Jaime McFaden, self care specialist, lifestyle mentor, and mama bear. I’ve been working in the health and wellness industry for the past decade and I love it more each day. I have been fortunate enough to work alongside icons such as Elaine Lalanne, Jillian Michaels, Richard Branson and multiple celebrity clients. I recently launched my very own podcast, “What's the Word?”, where I interview the most INSPIRATIONAL people I know and share that inspiration with YOU!
My name, which is often mispronounced and misspelled, comes from the French word: Jai’me” - meaning “I love” which inspired everything behind my NEW brand. In order to actually take care of ourselves, we must love ourselves. I’ve worked with a wide range of clients from struggling new moms to celebrities, and the common denominator is always the struggle to make time for better self care. Whether it's workout routines you need help with or SLEEP habits, we will create a system that supports your own personal goals. I will help you change your behaviors in baby steps over time to love your self care and keep yourself as a 1st priority.
As a busy mom, I know how hard it can feel to take care of yourself sometimes. I have even experienced the dreaded “BURNOUT”.In fact, I wasn’t always healthy though, quite the opposite. Growing up in a big old school Greek Family, the only exercise I knew was greek dancing. I thought potatoes, bread and feta cheese went together to make a meal, sealed together with dessert. My father passed away when I was 18 unexpectedly due to chronic disease and addiction. That moment forever changed my life. He was my best friend. My mentor. I knew I had to BE the change somehow. Years later, after taking lots of baby steps along the way - I fell in love with health + wellness.

NASM CPT, ACE Health Coach, Prenatal & Postnatal specialist, fitness nutrition, Strong by Zumba, Jillian Michaels Body-Shred Master Trainer, Aaptiv Master Trainer.

Jaime McFaden and her daughter, Sofia.
I personally realized a major NEED for self care which is why I developed multiple self care programs. I knew something had to change. Instead of feeling the need for a vacation from life, I want to support you designing a life you don’t need a vacation from. Sometimes making time for yourSELF can feel selfish. Sometimes the dreaded “mom guilt” can even creep in. But with the programs I have created, we will focus on SELF LOVE so you can LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
Self care is essential for our well being and I hope you will enjoy my baby step approach for BIG results. My method is formed by breaking down the pillars of self care into six categories: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social. I will educate and support you on your journey within each pillar.
Over the past few years I have worked alongside TOP doctors, therapists, brain scientists, financial advisors, trainers, coaches and have learned how important it is to have a TEAM. The support is VITAL to not only reach our goals, but to live life by design.
When I am not working, I take playtime very seriously 🙂 Being a mom is my favorite part of life. We enjoy our free time going on adventures to the beach, hiking, cooking and spending time with people we love. Our dog Meli is also part of the adventures, even when we go stand up paddling.
My values are: HEALTH, family and adventure. If each day I live true to these three core values, I feel fulfilled. My mission is to embrace each moment of life. I am inspired by the WAVES of life and look forward to being on this journey together!
Sofia's Village
In 2021, I became a published author, and our book, “Sofia’s Village” made the Best seller list on Amazon! I’ve always dreamed of writing a book and creating a legacy for my daughter, such a dream come true. The best part was her helping with the book, Sofia’s Village is a story about community and unity. You can find the book on Amazon using the button below.
How We Can Work Together
Step 1
Book your FREE consultation to discuss your self-care needs.
Step 2
I create a custom SELF-CARE plan for you!
Step 3
We hold WEEKLY accountability coaching sessions through Zoom.
Featured In

I couldn't do any of this without Jaime - her support, her guidance and her grace. In my quest to lose weight, I actually gained confidence, knowledge and a friend.
Amber MacDonald