Five Tips For Embracing The Power Of Choice To Enhance Your Well Being
Jaime McFaden

Every day is a new opportunity to make a change. The choices we make inevitably will determine the outcomes of our life.
Taking personal responsibility is one of the most remarkable ways to live a life with purpose. Life doesn't just HAPPEN.
And the things happening are not directly TO us; they are around us or for us when we CHOOSE to look at it that way.
Change is the only constant, and we are capable of miracles; in fact, you and I ARE miracles.
Every morning when we wake up, we have the power to choose how we will respond to our day.
The most important question to ask yourself right now is, are you willing to take responsibility for your life?
If you said yes, here are my five tips for embracing the power within your choice.
Here are five tips for embracing your power of CHOICE today:
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Take time to reflect. Think about your life right now as it is. What would you like to change? What is in or out of your control? What choices are you currently making to be where you are
Determine your values. If you have not taken the time yet to consider your core values, this is a stimulating exercise. And if you have, a great time to check in on those values and see if they are still ringing true to you right now.
Our values are the things that are MOST important to us.
Take a few minutes looking through this list by James Clear about values:
Write down your top 5-7, then narrow down to about three. What are they, and ask yourself if you are living in awareness of these values?
When we discover our values, we can make either inline or not with those values every day.
Listen to your GUT. Often we do things on autopilot. We are here to please others, or we are looking to be validated.
Hearing our intuition is KEY when considering conscious choices. We must be in tune with our gut.
Love yourself. This one can be a GUT check for many of us. We go around loving everyone around us and forget ourselves.
When we want to make an effort to CHOOSE, we must be choosing ourselves. Ask yourself what you need and give yourself some time to respond.
Your mind, body, and spirit will speak to you in ways you may be surprised when you ask what you need. <3 And then remember you are worth it!
Let go. The final tip would be to let go of what you can not control. This one can be the toughest when we want to control our lives.
Life is unpredictable, and when we learn to let go, we can be more present and CHOOSE joy.
We always have a choice, and I encourage you to take a hard look at the choices you are making and ask yourself what are you willing to do to feel a fulfilled, purposeful life?