Gay Hendricks Discusses Commitment on What's the Word
September 12, 2021
Humans can make miracles happen with one word: COMMITMENT
“Commitment” - dedicated to a cause or activity.
Gay chose this word “you don't get anything in life unless you are consciously committed to getting it” .
Gay and Katie Hendricks are celebrating 40 years of commitment so this is the perfect podcast topic to discuss.
He explains that marriage isn’t necessarily about the “till death do us part” vows - it's about things like providing encouragement and appreciation.
Gay and Katie Hendricks are leaders in psychology specializing in love and relationships. He has written over 40 books, many of which are bestsellers, and is dedicated to helping serve the globe with his teachings over 40 years in his field.
Here are Gay’s top 3 tips for creating a life of COMMITMENT:
- I commit to learning to love myself more every day of my life. You don’t get LOVE in your life from another person unless you have given it to yourself. You must love and honor yourself first.
Make sure you give yourself 1 hour a day for self-care.
Learning to love yourself is a book Gay wrote 40 years ago just before he met his wife Katie 🙂
In life, you get what you sow. If you don’t love and honor yourself deeply, you will have a lack of love from others. Focus on making commitments in loving yourself. - Make a commitment to your genius. Your genius is what you most love to do and what makes a contribution to other people.
Make a commitment to bring forth more of your genius every day.
The genius zone is open to everyone 24/7. - Commit to discovering what you LOVE. Open up and make time for discovery.
If you make a commitment to something that gives you a stretch that is how we can grow, that is how you can express more of your genius.
Even if you don’t know what your genius is yet.
Gay recently released “The Genius Zone” which will guide you in living within your genius zone. He discovered his genius zone when he was 24 and his whole life changed. Check out the podcast for the full story and be sure to leave a comment and share with your friends!
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