Word of the Day: Kindness
June 28, 2021
KINDNESS: There are two types - being kind to ourselves and being kind to others.
As busy moms, being kind to ourselves is typically last on the list. This is problematic for so many reasons. In order to LEAD BY EXAMPLE you need to start putting our oxygen masks on FIRST, mama. You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. Be KIND to yourself, you are doing your best.
One way I like to be kind to myself is by feeding my body nutritious food. Try out one of my favorite easy and healthy recipes below. You can even get your kids involved! Sofia loves to be with mama in the kitchen, she learns how to build a healthy plate and I get some help making dinner!
Kindness has a ripple effect. You don't have to do something big to make someone's day. Even the SMALLEST acts of kindness like a smile have BIG effects. I challenge you to complete one small act of kindness today, notice how that tiny splash can create a HUGE wave.