7-Day Plank Challenge

Welcome to the 7-Day Plank Challenge
This 7-Day Plank Challenge will give you a variety of plank exercises to strengthen your entire core! Unlike most plank challenges where your goal is to reach a record of a high time, this challenge is different.
You will challenge yourself to practice each variation of plank for the next 7 days. (See video demonstration below.)
Be sure to take photos, videos, etc, and post on Instagram and Facebook. Don't forget to tag me #jaimemcfaden (IG) and @jaimemcfadenselfcare (FB).
Your goal is to perfect your form and whether you hold plank for 10 seconds or 5 minutes you win 😀 Track how long you can hold EACH plank for and write it down.
(but keep track of your numbers… it counts)
We will start with forearm plank and each day ADD another plank variation to it. By day 7 you will be doing 7 different planks back to back.
Table of Contents
Demonstration Videos Below
- Day 1 - Forearm plank
- Day 2 - Right side forearm plank, Left side (bonus)
- Day 3 - Reverse plank
- Day 4 - High plank
- Day 5 - Dolphin plank
- Day 6 - Uneven plank (bird dog)
- Day 7 - Up-down plank
Core strength and stability are imperative for overall health.
Your core is made up of many muscles – not just the sought-after six-pack. The core is basically all of the muscles in between your arms and legs.
These muscles hold together some pretty important parts of the body, which is why strength and stability are important.
With this 7-day plank challenge, you will learn the proper form and technique for my favorite plank variations.
Best of all – strengthen your core.
The plank is hands down my favorite core exercise for many reasons. First, it is an exercise that requires the entire body to work- so you get more bang for your buck. Second, it has so many variations so you can strengthen all sides of the core with planks.
There are numerous reasons – you also work your hips and butt – your legs, shoulders will feel it too. Bottom line, planks kick your ass and abs quite literally.
Watch Our Most Popular Guest on Our Podcast: Jillian Michaels
This challenge is for anyone looking to jump-start their engine for the next 7 days with planks.
Here they are!
Day 1 - Forearm Plank
Day 2 - Right side forearm plank, Left side (bonus)
Day 3 - Reverse plank
Day 4 - High plank
Day 5 - Dolphin plank
Day 6 - Uneven plank
Day 7 - Up-down plank
After you have practiced these planks you can repeat the 7-day plank challenge to add time to your planks.
For each day see how long you can hold EACH VARIATION with excellent form.
The overall goal of me doing this with you is to raise awareness of our health – inside and out! What better way to do that than a week-long challenge together 😀